We Are The Dead
Trial & Error Records/ElevenfiftySeven Records
1. Twelve Twenty Two
2. Wolves & Cowards
3. No Regrets?
4. The Golden Years
5. This Gun
6. Beached
7. The Twilight Years
8. We Are The Dead
9. Celebrity
10. Misery
Vocals - Sam Crocker
Guitars - Kris Bosman
Guitars - Ross McDougall
Bass - Joshua Moffitt
Drums - Israel McDean
Music written by Antagonist A.D.
Lyrics written by Sam Crocker
Mixed and mastered by Zack Ohren
Drums recorded by Nate Sowter
Guitars/Bass recorded by Zorran Mendonsa
Vocals recorded by Matt Livingstone
Artwork by Dean Sacred
Layout by Sam Crocker and HD Steve
1. Twelve Twenty Two
As innocent life is born
Behind locked doors and concrete walls
It's injected with poisons
Eyes melt
Skin burns
It cries and it bleeds
Until finally
Until finally it breaks
I can feel the misery
I can feel the cold in your heart
No compassion
No love
You're stunning
You're so fucking beautiful
You would kill for attention
What will it take
To cure your apathy?
Five hundred deaths a day
For your beauty
Where is the science?
There is no benefit
Only fraud and mass murder
What will it take
To cure your apathy?
Five hundred deaths a day
For your beauty
It's blood, it’s statistics
But smells of burning flesh
Just a haze of blood and shit
And I
Will stop at nothing to make this right
Got to find a way
To set this world free
To set this world free
To set their world free
To set this world...
2. Wolves & Cowards
Tonight's the night we come clean
Truth is I got nothing to say
But you can't see your desperation anyway
This is the point when the lights are meant to go out
And everything seems to hit
When you say those words
But the lights just get brighter
And now the crowds start to form
The words break and the silence hits
Can't shake the disbelief
I can’t believe I once called this place my home
So I retreat to the only place I know
The only place that holds me
The only place that I can go
So I take the spotlight it seems
And look into the dark
Instantly surrounded
By wolves and cowards
I see…
I see the hunger in your eyes
But you won’t feast tonight
Words, not faces
You won’t break me
You won’t break me
3. No Regrets?
I used to be a better man
But these years have seen me fall
I held the taste of glory and pride
But that life has gone
Sour in the sun
Days are shorter
Nights are too damn long
Now the bitter taste of failure sits on my tongue
Full of clichés
Full of shit
But I like the way the sky shines
When you look it through open eyes
I like the way the city burns
When you see the flames of freedom spark
I still am
That better man
And these years have seen me tested
I still hold
The taste of glory and pride
My beliefs are strong
They shine with the sun
You’re still full of clichés
Still full of shit
I know now
The colour of regret
It’s blood red
I'm blood red
I guess I'm better for it
4. The Golden Years
So you stare in disgust
At the face in the mirror
Your eyes are hazy
And the mist from the shower
Doesn't hide your neck
Sagging onto your bare chest
You look down but
Only thick, white, flesh
Liver spots texturise
And you can feel it dying too
Every drink
Every step brings you closer to the sun
You rest on a crutch
Never wanting to walk
You'd rather crawl
Rather slither across the floor
You stare in disgust
At the face in the mirror
Cursing life for
Being so unfair
You bought it all
The lies
The freedom
Everything had a price and you…
You fucking paid
The sun is setting
And you are sinking
You are broken
The sun is setting
And you are sinking
You are broken
The sun is setting
And you are sinking
You are broken
Your flesh is diseased
And your bones are brittle
And you still don't understand
That you lived a lie?
5. This Gun
This gun is resting against my head
I'd sooner pull the trigger
Than hear your voice again
I'd rather be dead
This gun is resting against my head
I'd sooner pull the trigger
Than hear your voice again
I'd rather be dead
This gun is resting against my head
I'd sooner pull the trigger
Than hear your voice again
I'd rather be dead
You talk
You fucking scream
Right through me
Nothing but fear
And silence is all I hear
It’s all I hear
It’s all I hear
It’s all I fucking hear
One thousand clichés could never describe your ignorance
One thousand clichés could never describe your ignorance
Oh shit
You ain't fighting for difference
You're just clinging to an old tradition
That you don't even understand
So fuck you
You are scared of change
You are fucking scared
You are scared of change
You are fucking scared
6. Beached
Living with the feeling
That you are never good enough
Haunted by your mistakes
No substance can erase that bitter taste
Although we try
Never feeling
That what you have is enough
Stuck in the heart of this parasite
As it pushes the sides out to die
Concrete falls apart
And cultures are left to rot on the outside
Always wanting something more
Always asking why
The powers that be are trying to create
A one world homogenized society
The constant removal of variety
In other cultures and people
I feel like I don't belong
Constantly fighting demons
On the inside
Constantly fighting the self-doubt
This culture grew
Inside of me
Inside of me
Inside of me
Life is nothing I saw on tv
I don't see the happy ending
7. The Twilight Years
I've watched the sun set
On this western paradise
I've seen the faded edges
Witnessed the lights burn out
Now the world is freezing
And it is fucking dark
The blood red tide is rising
And there's no high ground
Arms bound and legs shaking
We can't kick to save ourselves
Save ourselves…
The faint glow of burning flags
It sends shivers down our spines
This is what we fought for?
A desolate wasteland
Raped and scorched
The waters will rise
To wash away the filth
But the blood we spill
Will never match their guilt
The waters will rise
To wash away the filth
But the blood we spill
Will never match their guilt
Once stood a shimmering city
Full of soul-less sheep
Under mountains of concrete
That pierced the sky
The privileged kissed the stars
And we kissed their feet
But now this city built on sand
Has finally sunk beneath
And now we swim like sharks
Through the roughest of seas
Trying to salvage
The shipwreck of humanity
Trying to salvage
The shipwreck of humanity
8. We Are The Dead
A world built on fear and flesh
With x's on eyes
We sit complacent
These burning lights they blind our eyes
Thirsts are quenched
From your veins turned rivers
I beg to question
What makes you different?
I beg to question
What you do for difference?
You are alive
Open your eyes
You are alive
Open your eyes
So who wants to be so pathetic
That they spend their final days
Bathing in their own self-pity?
Now's the time for our actions
To speak louder than our words
Let the silence end
Here and now
We are alive
We are alive
We are alive
We are alive
We are alive
We are alive
We are alive
We are alive
9. Celebrity
While plastic’s kept your beauty
To your last breath
No science could keep
Your heart from embracing death
You died an angel
On top of the highest mountain
You stole the love of thousands
And your death
Only glorifies
The pain
Of living in a star glazed world
You took that last breath
As we watched
Hoping for the world
To collapse with your lungs
And so after all these years
Kept alive from the glow of our eyes
Nothing could save you from time
Never aging in books
Plastics kept your looks
You spread the infection
They would die for beauty
They would die for power
Just a kiss from the heavens
So powerful with your beauty
So captivating
So ethereal
Your wisdom shines like a vacuum-sealed dream
But that pain
That infection
Will never find a home in me
You will never exist in me
Praise be
Prophets of delusion
Prophets of material things
I don't believe in you
10. Misery
Soaked in blood
Bound by hair & skin
I won't carry this flag
Murder and torture
Aren't virtues I can hold
And apathy is a disease
That will never consume me
I sleep with my eyes open
Waiting for the tides to change
To bring you to your knees
If only for one day
To see the suffering
You will taste…
Misery will have her revenge
As the animals die
You stand to prosper but...
When the cancerous tumours
Explode inside of you
And the soil beneath rots so far away
They will see you in hell
And you will be…
You will pay
You will pay
We are gold
In this world of filth
We are gold
And we sleep with our eyes open
We are gold
In this world of filth
We are gold
And we sleep with our eyes open